Friday, 20 July 2012

This week at Doothcrow HQ

Doothcrow: The Movie!!

Are the team going to reunite?

The origins of Doothcrow are about to be revealed.

The world is ending and Doothcrow has to look back before they can look forward....

This year, we bring you the final chapter within the Doothcrow Universe, through the medium of paper!

Yes, not a movie, but not quite a hard back. To experience Doothcrow: Origins, you will need to get your hands on a copy of the Doothcrow Magazine!!

This is a one off edition, which will feature the Movie script, interviews, pictures, posters and much more.

To get involved, we're also offering advertising space for your websites, your own fan films, or anything else you want to advertise. Just send your top quality A4 adverts to

Once the adverts are in, articles produced and page designs complete, we'll get a definitive quote on the cost of the advert, which may even be free if we can get a great deal!! However, it might cost us loads! But we are going to top the fee at £5. The top prise we will charge will be £5, but we are going to work on bringing that down for you.

For £5 (or less) you will get a full A4 page dedicated to whatever you want e.g. your YouTube channel, twitter page, your own fan magazine. Obviously there will be a limited amount of pages available, so get in there quick!!

We hope you enjoy this product and get involved! We're sorry we couldn't bring you the actual movie but due to time and cost, we were unable to do so. We hope this will make up for it.